1. A motion put forward by DB that the rider exhibiting animal cruelty and aggressive behaviour is to get a warning on nominating for the next event that this is not accepted and on further continued behaviour will be asked to leave. Seconded - CS Motion Passed
2. A motion was to put forward by EH that a permanent shelter to be erected at the top gate for the red cross ladies. Seconded – CS Motion Passed
3. A motion put forward CS that membership is to be paid by everyone but may be brought up at a later date when the club has more funds. Seconded – EH Motion Passed
4. A motion put forward by CS that Eric Hannan and Bill Mcilrick are to be elected as extra safety officers along side Kimberley Druitt. Seconded – DB Motion Passed
5. A motion put forward by EH that single nominations are to be put into team as per discretion of the committee. If the team members organise their own fill in then those that filled in are required to pay to for runs but in the case that committee/judge selects fill in the then there is only need to pay if run gets a place. Seconded – CH Motion Passed
6. A motion has been put forward by DB that a change of riders to be done no later than Wednesday morning prior to the event. Once the draw is completed the draw will not be changed unless under exceptional circumstances agreed upon by the committee. Seconded – CH Motion Passed
7. A motion put forward by CH to go ahead with trophy buckles. Seconded – CS Motion Passed
8. A motion put forward by CS that club go ahead and fill the back cattle yards. Seconded – CH Motion Passed
9. A motion put forward by EH that we go ahead with water works. Seconded – DB Motion Passed
10. A motion put forward by CH that the arena is to be locked between events and accessible to members only. Seconded - DB Motion Passed