A Judge will advise the assigned number as the first competitor crosses the starting line.
Time for a run commences when the first of the three horses cross the starting line.
Within a time limit allocated by the judge, a team will attempt to cut from the mob in consecutive order, starting with the assigned number and followed by the next highest number in turn. (A 30 second warning bell may be given prior to the end of the run). For example, if the number 4 is called, then cattle must be cut in this order: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3.
Competition placement will be based on the highest number of penned cattle when time is called. Where all ten cattle are penned, first place will be awarded to the team finishing in the shortest amount of time.
At the discretion of the Judge, a team may be awarded a re-run if one or more head of their assigned cattle is deemed unsuitable (health wise) dangerous or escapes the arena.
Riders must wear a hat, cap or riding helmet into the arena. Riders 17 years and under must wear an approved riding helmet. Long or short sleeved shirts with a collar or must be worn on club days. Suitable riding pants and riding footwear must be worn. No caps or short sleeve shirts are to be worn at major Championship events.
OHS/Public Liability Insurance Ruling – “Stallions must be handled and ridden by a person over the age of 18 years”. Stallions are also to be double tied (collar and halter) while not being attended as well as being enclosed in a 6-foot yard.
If any dispute is to be brought up it must be addressed before any team member leaves the arena as well as $50 to be given to judges.
The use of rings or head checks is not allowed.
Manilla Team Penning Association Inc adopt a zero tolerance to bullying, intimidation and harassment. Memberships to be suspended immediately if member deemed to be in breach of zero tolerance bullying policy with review of membership at next meeting.
Manilla Team Penning Association Inc adopt a zero-tolerance policy to animal cruelty. Any member deemed to be in breach of zero tolerance to cruelty policy by Manilla Team Penning Association Inc animal welfare officers to have membership suspended immediately with review of membership at next monthly meeting.
There are no tapped yards to be used at any Manilla Team Penning event due to insurance issues.
There is a limit of 10 paid rides per day unless asked by the executive committee to fill in on teams that do not have a full team.
Any dogs brought to an event must be on a lead or tied up and are not to be brought north side of the gully under any circumstances.
If a penned beast comes out of the pen and back into the arena, a no score will be given.
If cattle cross the line in incorrect order.
No unnecessary rough handling, rushing or hitting of cattle.
Whips are not permitted
Competitors will only be called 3 times. If you are not in the gate marshal area by the third call, that run will be forfeited.
Unnecessary cruelty to horses.
Abuse of other members.
Any horse deemed dangerous by judges.
Gear breakage during run.
Rider unseated.
Abuse to judges or other committee members.
MTP Team Penning
A Judge will advise the assigned collar colour as the first competitor crosses the starting line.
Time for a run commences when the first of the three horses cross the starting line.
Within a time limit, a team will attempt to cut from the mob and pen three head of cattle with the same assigned collar colour. (A 30 second warning bell may be given prior to the end of the run).
A team can only call time once.
Time will be called when the tail of the last beast enters the pen.
Teams penning less than three head need to make it known to the judges so time can be awarded at appropriate time.
A team may call for time, with only one or two of the assigned cattle penned, however, teams penning three head of cattle will place higher than those penning two head and two head will place higher than one head, regardless of time.
At the discretion of the Judge, a team may be awarded a re-run if one or more head of their assigned cattle is deemed unsuitable (health wise) dangerous or escapes the arena.
If any dispute is to be brought up it must be addressed before any team member leaves the arena as well as $50 to be given to judges.
Riders must wear a hat, cap or riding helmet into the arena. Riders 17 years and under must wear an approved riding helmet. Long or short sleeved shirts with a collar or must be worn on club days. Suitable riding pants and riding footwear must be worn. No caps or short sleeve shirts are to be worn at major Championship events.
OHS/Public Liability Insurance Ruling – “Stallions must be handled and ridden by a person over the age of 18 years”. Stallions are also to be double tied (collar and halter) while not being attended as well as being enclosed in a 6-foot yard.
The use of rings or head checks is not allowed.
Manilla Team Penning Association Inc adopt a zero tolerance to bullying, intimidation and harassment. Memberships to be suspended immediately if member deemed to be in breach of zero tolerance bullying policy with review of membership at next meeting.
Manilla Team Penning Association Inc adopt a zero-tolerance policy to animal cruelty.Any member deemed to be in breach of zero tolerance to cruelty policy by Manilla Team Penning Association Inc animal welfare officers to have membership suspended immediately with review of membership at next monthly meeting.
There are no tapped yards to be used at any Manilla Team Penning event due to insurance issues.
There is a limit of 10 paid rides per day unless asked by the executive committee to fill in on teams that do not have a full team.
Any dogs brought to an event must be on a lead or tied up and are not to be brought north side of the gully under any circumstances.
If time is called before all spare cattle are back across the mob end of the starting line, the team will incur a “no time”.
No time will be given if incorrect assigned cattle are in the pen when time is called.
If a rider enters the pen while run is in progress.
Any more than 5 head of cattle across the pen end of the starting line at any time, incurs a “no time”.
No unnecessary rough handling, rushing or hitting of cattle.
Whips are not permitted
Competitors will only be called 3 times. If you are not in the gate marshal area by the third call, that run will be forfeited.