The interesting thing about team penning is that losing is pretty much like winning, except it takes longer and you don't get any money.
(Team Penning a Fundamental Guide - Terry von Gease)
(Team Penning a Fundamental Guide - Terry von Gease)
Team penning is one of the fastest growing horse sports in the country. Why...??? Because it's affordable, fun and caters for the whole family. You don't need any special breed of horse, saddle or just need two other team members and a positive attitude to enjoy yourself.
Team penning is a timed event - normally 2 minutes
30 head of cattle in an arena 3 groups of 10 different colours eg 3 x red, 3 x yellow, 3 x blue etc
Team of 3 riders
As the first rider crosses the half way mark a colour is called. The team then has 2 minutes to separate those 3 cattle with that colour from the mob and 'pen' them in a small yard at the opposite end of the arena - fastest time wins.
Easy you say......well lets just make a few 'rules'
No more than 5 head of cattle on the pen side of the half way marker, it's NO TIME when the 6th one crosses
No hazing cattle or undue rough handling
Riders can not enter the 'pen' to remove any wrong coloured cattle who accidentally get 'penned'
Any wrong coloured cattle must be back on the cattle side of the half way marker before time can be called
All riders must be mounted before time can be called
A rider must not allow any part of his horse past the horses shoulder in the pen when calling time
Team penning is a great spectator sport, so if you know someone who is 'penning' go along and cheer them on. Its a test of riders, horses and cattle.....even the best laid plans all go pear shaped......and ANYBODY can win.....!!!
Team penning is a timed event - normally 2 minutes
30 head of cattle in an arena 3 groups of 10 different colours eg 3 x red, 3 x yellow, 3 x blue etc
Team of 3 riders
As the first rider crosses the half way mark a colour is called. The team then has 2 minutes to separate those 3 cattle with that colour from the mob and 'pen' them in a small yard at the opposite end of the arena - fastest time wins.
Easy you say......well lets just make a few 'rules'
No more than 5 head of cattle on the pen side of the half way marker, it's NO TIME when the 6th one crosses
No hazing cattle or undue rough handling
Riders can not enter the 'pen' to remove any wrong coloured cattle who accidentally get 'penned'
Any wrong coloured cattle must be back on the cattle side of the half way marker before time can be called
All riders must be mounted before time can be called
A rider must not allow any part of his horse past the horses shoulder in the pen when calling time
Team penning is a great spectator sport, so if you know someone who is 'penning' go along and cheer them on. Its a test of riders, horses and cattle.....even the best laid plans all go pear shaped......and ANYBODY can win.....!!!
Below is a link to the American Paint Horse Team Penning. In America they use numbers instead of colours. All other rules are the same. Watch this video.....they make Team Penning look easy....!!!!