1. A motion was put forward by MS to put the yearly membership be put up as per following.
Single Adult - $50.00
Single Youth/Jr - $30.00
Family - $100
Day Membership - $40.00
Seconded - DB Motion Passed
2. A motion was put forward by EH that Youth/Jr members are required to have an adult paid member in conjunction with their membership. Seconded – CS Motion Passed
3. A motion was put forward by CS that BM is to organise highest point buckles for Open ladies, Open Men’s, Youth and Junior. Seconded - MS Motion Passed
4. A motion put forward by DB that in order to nominate for the championship you are required to compete in at least 3 club days. Seconded - MS Motion Passed
5. A motion was put forward by MS that the championships is to run in November and to be run over 2 days with the 30 fastest runs to be taken through for the Sunday. Seconded - CS
6. A motion was put forward by EH that each rider to be limited to 10 paid runs per event but may be asked by executive committee to fill in for teams that don’t have enough riders. Seconded - CH Motion Passed
7. A motion was put forward by DB that the jackpot is to run in July as per last year. Seconded - CH Motion Passed
8. A motion passed by EH that our February event is to run as per normal pending cattle availability. Seconded - CH Motion Passed
9. A motion put forward by CH that we are to run double headers every month pending cattle. Seconded - CS Motion Passed
10. A motion put forward by CS that nominations are to now open a fortnight before event and shut a week before an event. Seconded – DB Motion Passed