1. A motion was put forward by EH that hessian to be purchased and placed around the back yards to provide a exclusion zone where public is not permitted. Seconded by – CS Motion Passed
2. A motion was put forward by MS that sign be purchased delegating areas where public are not permitted. Seconded by – DB Motion Passed
3. A motion was put forward by DB that the minimum height of a competitor’s horse is to be 13hh and that the minimum age for a junior competitor be 8yrs old. Seconded by – CS Motion Passed
4. A motion was put forward by EH to reduce the risk of incidents we reduce the amount of cattle for the junior team penning event to 15 head. Seconded by – DB Motion Passed
5. A motion was put forward by CS that we introduce a novelty event called the ‘Tiny Tots’ consisting of three head of numbered cattle with the tiny tot to extract one head and put across the line with the assistance of one open rider. Seconded by – EH Motion Passed
6. A motion was put forward by CS that open riders when assisting junior riders to be asked to not intervene by instruct junior riders. Seconded by - DB Motion Passed
7. A motion was put forward by MS that the Junior and Tiny Tot events to be run mid-way through the days event to allow open and youth competitors to get refreshments. Seconded by EH Motion Passed